Learn the Language of the Face

Face Reading Academy

Training Seminars, Advanced Courses, Diplomas and Private Trainings

Seminar Courses

The first 8 training seminars focus on one main topic over a course of 3 days. Students can focus on one area to learn about specific areas of interest or take all to apply for a Face Reading Diploma following the Theoretical, Oral and Practical Exam. The course covers both theory and practice, with the 2nd module focusing on the practice. The group sizes vary depending on the location and content, but usually move between 7 to 20 participants. Upon completion of each seminar, you will get a topic-dedicated certificate. 

To learn more about each module, see our Tools of Diagnosis section on our Face Reading page.



Courses on Reading
Personality & Character

Facial Diagnosis

Courses on Reading
Health & Nutrition

Siang Mien

Courses on
Chinese Face Reading

Mimic-Gesture-Body Language

Courses on Reading
Mimic, Gestures and Body Language


Face Reading Diploma

Official Certificate of the Face Reading Academy of your Ability to Practice Face Reading


Face Reading Teacher Diploma

Official Certificate of the Face Reading Academy of your Ability to Teach and Practice Face Reading

Face Reading Diploma - Face Reading Academy - Eric Standop - Read the Face

Continuous Training, engagement and practice

Designation by Eric Standop to

Master of Face Reading

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Individual Training

Private Training - Eric Standop - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face

The individual training is tailored to your specific needs, whether you want to use face reading now in the private sector, as a sub-discipline of your profession or even as a future face reader. Duration, location and content, including the share of theory and practice, can be arranged flexibly.

Contact us directly through the contact form below or via email office@facereading-academy.com.
