Read the Face

Read the Face

Learn Face Language

Learn Face Language

Read the Face - Face Reading for Success in Your Career, Relationships, and Health - Eric Standop - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face

'Read the Face - Face Reading for Success in your Career, Relationships, and Health'
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Every face is unique and as individual as the owner’s personality and character. The lines, markings, colorations, micro-expressions and changes in the face, all reflect various aspects of the health, state of mind, personality, inherent talents and even, the life purpose of that person.

Different techniques of Face Reading have been practiced around the world for thousands of years across the world. Today, science is finally catching up to provide explanations behind what Face Reading has known all along; our face reveals everything about us. Garnering the knowledge to face read enables you to see yourself, and others, with clarity and with more understanding.



Siang Mien

Facial Diagnosis


Body Language

What the
Face Reveals

The face displays deficiency, malnutrition and diseases from an early stage. It also exhibits a wide range of human conditions such as individual personality and character, strengths and weaknesses, true emotions, love and what one was born to do – life purpose. Face reading equips you with the information you need to identify opportunities, see others clearly, maintain your health, and live a life that is aligned with your authentic self.

Personality and Character - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face


Career - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face


Health - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face


Love - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face


Life Purpose - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face


Nutritional - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face


Destiny - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face


Icons made by Freepik, Eucalyp, geotatah and turkkub from are licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Anmeldung - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face
Eric Standop Teaching - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face
Mouths - Eric Standop - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face
Eric Standop Teaching Course - Face Reading Academy - Read the Face


Everyone can learn face reading. Your talent and thirst for knowledge make the difference. It's like acquiring a new language. You may already know some vocabulary, but there is much more to discover. The more you recognize and name the features and features of the face, master the vocabulary, the more fluent you speak the new and unadulterated language of humanity.

We offer several ways to learn face reading. You can learn directly with Eric himself in a series of one-on-one sessions, or learn as a group at the Face Reading Academy in Europe and Asia. You can also learn from Face Reading Academy-certified Face Reading Teachers on a one-to-one or group basis.

Face Reading Academy - Eric Standop - Logo - Read the Face
